ABOUT THE AIRMEN WHAT is the Alaska Airmens Association? The Alaska Airmens Association is the largest state general aviation group in Alaska. It is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization whose sole purpose is to promote and preserve aviation in our Great State. Established in 1951 as an Alaskan Corporation it is led by a volunteer Board of Directors, 10 are elected by the membership and 4 appointed Regional Directors. We currently have 2200 members. WHO are the Airmen? Membership includes all pilots, student through ATP, mechanics, airline employees, aviation enthusiasts and any individual or business that has an interest in flying. Membership is open to everyone, including non-Alaska residents. Our members reside in 5 countries, 46 states, and represent members in 50 Alaskan cities and villages. WHY should you join? The Airmen maintain an active liaison with agencies and departments of the United States, the State of Alaska and local governments that are charged with the responsibility of regulating general aviation. Everyday we are addressing important issues such as the closure of airstrips, airspace, state leasing regulations, weather, aircraft taxing, etc. Volunteers sit on numerous committees statewide representing you and the interests of general aviation. You also receive a substantial member benefit package when you join. The quarterly newsletter keeps you up-to-date on Association activities such as pilot safety meetings, poker runs, swap meets, banquets, and special events. Membership discounts are available around the state on fuel (up to .25 cents per gallon), aviation parts, survival equipment, labor and much more. Use your Airmens membership card to save! WHERE are we? We are headquartered at 4200 Floatplane Drive on Lake Hood, this location may be better known as the old Jim Air office across from the old Ketchum Hangar on the first commercial finger. In April of 2005 we opened a new Northern Office in Fairbanks, 3788 S. University Avenue, East Ramp, Fairbanks Intl. Airport. This is the Pruhs Construction hangar, between CAP and the Tower on the second floor. Stop by and visit! WHEN? JOIN TODAY! |
**Membership in an organization that will actively represent your interests.
**Association Subscription Rates to General Aviation News
**Alaska Airmens Transponder and Calendar
**Free Member Classified Ad Postings on website and in the Transponder
SIGNATURE FLIGHT SUPPORT - A $.30 cents per gallon discount from their fueling trucks at Lake Hood. This discount cannot be applied to a discount already in effect. 243-4328 or 122.95
AVIATION WHOLESALE SUPPLY - Discounts on selected GA parts and supplies. 272-4397.
SPERNAKS - A $.15 cent discount per gallon will be given to AAAI members. An account will be set up with your AAAI number. 272-9475.
AIRPLANE HANGARS - A 10% discount is available to members for hangar facilities. 248-6161
ALASKA USA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION - Membership privileges. 563-4567
WASH ON WHEELS - A 15% discount on services. 248-0640
TAKE FLIGHT ALASKA - 10 cents discount per gallon on fuel. 274-9943
EAGLE ENTERPRISES - 10% discount on all merchandise. 562-2331
INTL. AVIATION SERVICES - 10 cents per gallon on in-to-plane deliveries. 243-1515
SUSITNA ENERGY SYSTEMS - 5% Discount on Iridium Phone Rentals; 5% Discount on solar panels, inverters and charge controllers. 337-1300
ACE HANGARS - Discounts on all services to AAAI members and no charge for membership. 222-3000
ALASKA PULMONARY CLINIC, LLC - A 15% discount on flight physicals (includes 1st class and transmitted EKGs). Dr. George L. Stewart. 274-5864
RM AIRCRAFT SERVICES - $25 Discount to members on Prop Balance. (907) 688-2301
3D AVIONICS - 10% Avionics, Installation and electrical repairs. (907)227-5302
GREAT CIRCLE FLIGHT SERVICES, LLC - .14 cents per gallon discount on fuel purchased at our rack price, per uplift volume category. Open 24 hours per day, all credit cards accepted. 6121 South Airport Place, #2, PH: 907-245-1232; MOB: 907-529-0715, www.greatcircleflight.com
ALASKA AEROFUEL - A 15cent discount on the card-lock pumps. Call 474-0061 to set up a preferred customer account.
AIRCOM AVIONICS - 10% discount on all transponder checks and pitot static tests. 474-0100
ARCTIC AVIATION - A 5% discount on maintenance. 479-8100
TAMARACK AIR, Ltd - Discounts on selected GA parts and supplies. 479-6751
GLACIER AIRCRAFT PARTS - Located on the South end of the Palmer airstrip. A 10% discount on everyday supplies for small aircraft. 1-800-478-7100 or 907-745-7100.
AERO WOLF LAKE HANGAR LEASING - 10% discount on float & wheel plane spaces. 907-745-2344
ALASKA AIRPLANE MAINTENANCE 25% discount on propeller balance and weight & balance. (907) 357-7603 or (907) 232-1349 Wasilla
BEDROCK AVIATION SERVICES 10% Discount on Super Cub Aviation Maintenance. Please have your membership card with you. 907-892-9115
3D AVIONICS - 10% Avionics, Installation and electrical repairs. (907)227-5302
KENAI AIRPORT FUEL SERVICE/YUKON FUEL - Located north of the terminal fuel is discounted 10 cents per gallon. 283-4542.
SORENSON AVIATION - 15% Discount on banner towing, aerial advertising, flight seeing and aerial survey - 235-6420
BEAVER WORKS LLC 5% discount on aircraft sheet metal work. Wings and flight controls. www.wingrebuilder.com
COASTAL AVIATION - A 15 cent per gallon discount from the fueling trucks and a 20 cent discount at the pumps. 789-5600
AERO FUEL SERVICES 10 cent per gallon fuel discount AVGAS, 100LL only. An additional 10 cents will be given if you are an AOPA member. Discount available in Juneau only. 1-888-AVN-FUEL or 122.95
SPECIALTY AIRCRAFT COMPANY - receive a 5% discount on your next order. 800-500-6786 or by fax 541-548-5336.
DOWNTOWN HOTEL_DAWSON CITY, YUKON, CANADA - $89.00 (Canadian) per room, free airport shuttle service.
1-867-993-5346, http://www.downtownhotel.ca/
Puget Sound Inflatables - AquaFix 406 PLB is available at special group rate. 800-743-7238/ www.theEPIRBstore.com
TREASURER - RUDI VON IMHOF was born in Alaska and grew up in Girdwood. He holds a BA degree in Business Administration from the University of Colorado. Fascinated with flying from an early age he loved listening to tales told by his grandfather, Frank Whaley, one of Wien Alaska Airlines very first pilots. In 94 Rudi obtained his private license and has accumulated over 1,200 hours of flying in the Alaska back-country in his C-185 and Supercub. Rudi and his wife Natasha own a Real Estate Management company with multi-family housing and commercial properties in Anchorage and Fairbanks. Rudi is also a partner and owner of Delta Leasing, a company that offers aircraft leasing and leases heavy equipment and man-camp housing to North Slope oil companies.
CRAIG HARTMAN has been an Alaska resident since early childhood and spent his youth flying and fishing throughout Alaska via his fathers Cessna 185. He obtained his private certificate during a summer break from college in 1990 and bummed the family Supercub whenever possible to build experience and seek out new fishing holes. Ultimately, Craig secured his commercial privileges and now flies internationally for FedEx, but he spends as much of his leisure time as possible flying his Supercub.
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